
Split a file in half

  1. Save the script to a file, say

    split -l $(( $(wc -l < "$1") / 2 + 1)) "$1" "${2:-part_}"
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the script with your CSV file and an optional prefix:

    ./ test.csv myprefix_

This will split test.csv into two parts with filenames starting with myprefix_.

Resize LXD btrfs loop file in one line

 grow_lxd_btrfs_file() { STORAGE_POOL="$1" ; NEW_SIZE="$2" ; STORAGE_POOL_SOURCE="$(lxc storage get "$STORAGE_POOL" source)" ; sudo truncate -s "$NEW_SIZE" "$STORAGE_POOL_SOURCE" ; STORAGE_POOL_LOOP_DEVICE="$(losetup -j "$STORAGE_POOL_SOURCE" | awk -F': ' '{print $1}' | head -1)" ; sudo losetup -c "$STORAGE_POOL_LOOP_DEVICE" ; LXD_PID=$(pgrep lxd | head -1) ; NS_MOUNT_POINT=$(sudo nsenter -t "$LXD_PID" -m -- findmnt -no target "$STORAGE_POOL_LOOP_DEVICE") ; sudo btrfs filesystem resize max "/proc/$LXD_PID/root/$NS_MOUNT_POINT" ; lxd sql global "UPDATE storage_pools_config SET value = '$NEW_SIZE' WHERE key = 'size' AND storage_pool_id IN (SELECT id FROM storage_pools WHERE name = '$STORAGE_POOL')" ; }
grow_lxd_btrfs_file pritunl-storage-pool 50GB

lxc storage list

Kill process running on port

lsof -t -i tcp:1234 | xargs kill

Run a speedtest from the CLI

watch "curl -s | python -"

Top Files Sizes

du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Top Memory Usage

ps aux --sort=-%mem | head

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