ROS Wiki
Ubuntu install of ROS Melodic
We are building Debian packages for several Ubuntu platforms, listed below. These packages are more efficient than source-based builds and are our preferred installation method for Ubuntu. Note that there are also packages available from Ubuntu upstream. Please see UpstreamPackages to understand the difference.
Ubuntu packages are built for the following distros and architectures.
If you need to install from source (not recommended), please see source (download-and-compile) installation instructions.
If you rely on these packages, please support OSRF.
These packages are built and hosted on infrastructure maintained and paid for by the Open Source Robotics Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If OSRF were to receive one penny for each downloaded package for just two months, we could cover our annual costs to manage, update, and host all of our online services. Please consider donating to OSRF today.
Configure your Ubuntu repositories
Configure your Ubuntu repositories to allow "restricted," "universe," and "multiverse." You can follow the Ubuntu guide for instructions on doing this.
Setup your sources.list
Setup your computer to accept software from
Set up your keys
First, make sure your Debian package index is up-to-date:
There are many different libraries and tools in ROS. We provided four default configurations to get you started. You can also install ROS packages individually.
In case of problems with the next step, you can use following repositories instead of the ones mentioned above ros-shadow-fixed
Desktop-Full Install: (Recommended) : ROS, rqt, rviz, robot-generic libraries, 2D/3D simulators and 2D/3D perception
or click here
Desktop Install: ROS, rqt, rviz, and robot-generic libraries
or click here
ROS-Base: (Bare Bones) ROS package, build, and communication libraries. No GUI tools.
or click here
Individual Package: You can also install a specific ROS package (replace underscores with dashes of the package name):
To find available packages, use:
Environment setup
It's convenient if the ROS environment variables are automatically added to your bash session every time a new shell is launched:
If you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash for the version you are currently using.
If you just want to change the environment of your current shell, instead of the above you can type:
If you use zsh instead of bash you need to run the following commands to set up your shell:
Dependencies for building packages
Up to now you have installed what you need to run the core ROS packages. To create and manage your own ROS workspaces, there are various tools and requirements that are distributed separately. For example, rosinstall is a frequently used command-line tool that enables you to easily download many source trees for ROS packages with one command.
To install this tool and other dependencies for building ROS packages, run:
Initialize rosdep
Before you can use many ROS tools, you will need to initialize rosdep. rosdep enables you to easily install system dependencies for source you want to compile and is required to run some core components in ROS. If you have not yet installed rosdep, do so as follows.
With the following, you can initialize rosdep.
Build farm status
The packages that you installed were built by the ROS build farm. You can check the status of individual packages here.
Now, to test your installation, please proceed to the ROS Tutorials.
Wiki: melodic/Installation/Ubuntu (last edited 2020-03-25 20:11:49 by TullyFoote)
Last updated